List of Relevant Mississippi Laws regarding Estates and Trusts

List of Relevant Mississippi Laws regarding Estates and Trusts

Chapter 1 – Descent and Distribution

  • § 91-1-1. What law to govern
  • § 91-1-3. Descent of land
  • § 91-1-5. Half-bloods
  • § 91-1-7. Descent of property as between husband and wife
  • § 91-1-9. Descent of trust estates
  • § 91-1-11. Personal estate to descend as real estate
  • § 91-1-13. Estate of testator not disposed of by will to descend
  • § 91-1-15. Descent among illegitimates; definitions
  • § 91-1-17. Advancement to be brought into hotchpot
  • § 91-1-19. Descent of exempt property
  • § 91-1-21. Exempt property liable for debt of decedent
  • § 91-1-23. Exempt property not to be partitioned in certain cases
  • § 91-1-25. Person who has killed another not to inherit from him
  • § 91-1-27. How title to property acquired by descent may be made
  • § 91-1-29. Heirs to be cited to appear
  • § 91-1-31. Judgment as to descent of property cannot be assailed collaterally except for fraud

Chapter 3 – Uniform Simultaneous Death Law

  • § 91-3-1. How chapter cited
  • § 91-3-3. Construction
  • § 91-3-5. Disposition of property in absence of evidence of survivorship
  • § 91-3-7. Beneficiaries of another person’s disposition of property
  • § 91-3-9. Joint tenants or tenants by the entirety
  • § 91-3-11. Insurance policies or contracts
  • § 91-3-13. Chapter not to apply to persons dying before effective date
  • § 91-3-15. Provision in will, etc., rendering chapter inapplicable

Chapter 5 – Wills and Testaments

  • § 91-5-1. Who may execute; signature; attestation
  • § 91-5-3. Revocations
  • § 91-5-5. Children born after making of the will
  • § 91-5-7. Bequests not to lapse in certain cases
  • § 91-5-9. Devise to witness void
  • § 91-5-11. Devise or bequest to trustee
  • § 91-5-13. Creditor competent witness to will
  • § 91-5-15. Nuncupative wills
  • § 91-5-17. Parties in interest to nuncupative will to be cited
  • § 91-5-19. Nuncupative will not to be proven after six months unless reduced to writing
  • § 91-5-21. Members of armed forces and mariners at sea excepted
  • § 91-5-23. Provision for husband or wife to be in bar
  • § 91-5-25. Right of spouse to renounce will; form of renunciation; right to intestate share
  • § 91-5-27. Effect of no provision for husband or wife
  • § 91-5-29. Effect of wife or husband having separate estate
  • § 91-5-31. Repealed
  • § 91-5-33. Person who kills another not to take under his will
  • § 91-5-35. Will devising real property admitted to probate as muniment of title only; rights of interested parties unaffected

Chapter 7 – Executors and Administrators

  • § 91-7-1. Venue of proof of wills
  • § 91-7-3. By whom presented
  • § 91-7-5. Production of will compelled
  • § 91-7-7. Proof of due execution of will
  • § 91-7-9. Affidavit of subscribing witness receivable
  • § 91-7-10. Affidavits may be used to authenticate holographic wills or codicils
  • § 91-7-11. Testimony of absent witness
  • § 91-7-13. Testimony on probating will reduced to writing
  • § 91-7-15. Will executed by person in armed forces – additional manner of proof
  • § 91-7-17. Rejection of will not binding
  • § 91-7-19. All interested may be made parties
  • § 91-7-21. Caveat against probate may be filed
  • § 91-7-23. Validity contested within two years
  • § 91-7-25. Necessary parties to contest
  • § 91-7-27. Probate of will prima facie evidence
  • § 91-7-29. Trial of issue devisavit vel non
  • § 91-7-31. Wills recorded
  • § 91-7-33. Foreign wills recorded
  • § 91-7-35. Grant of letters testamentary
  • § 91-7-37. Eighteen the age of majority for executors and administrators
  • § 91-7-39. Administration with will annexed
  • § 91-7-41. Oath and bond of executor or administrator with will annexed
  • § 91-7-43. Executor as residuary legatee
  • § 91-7-45. When bond not required
  • § 91-7-47. Rights and duties of executor or administrator with will annexed
  • § 91-7-49. Directions of will to be followed
  • § 91-7-51. Effect of receipt for money by executor or trustee
  • § 91-7-53. Temporary administrator
  • § 91-7-55. Estate to be appraised
  • § 91-7-57. Powers of temporary administrator
  • § 91-7-59. Compensation of temporary administrator
  • § 91-7-61. Administrator to institute suits
  • § 91-7-63. Grant of administration
  • § 91-7-65. Persons disqualified to administer
  • § 91-7-67. Oath and bond of administrator
  • § 91-7-68. Administrator of estate of intestate under legal disability
  • § 91-7-69. Administration de bonis non
  • § 91-7-71. Rights of administrator de bonis non
  • § 91-7-73. County administrator
  • § 91-7-75. Bond and oath of county administrator
  • § 91-7-77. Additional bond may be required
  • § 91-7-79. Letters granted to county administrator
  • § 91-7-81. Accounts to be filed when office vacated
  • § 91-7-83. Sheriff administrator in certain cases
  • § 91-7-85. Removal and surrender of trust
  • § 91-7-87. Administration revoked by proof of will and grant of letters testamentary
  • § 91-7-89. Letters of certain nonresidents revoked
  • § 91-7-90. Order of abatement for shares of distributees of deceased’s property
  • § 91-7-91. Assets defined; unsecured creditors to give notice
  • § 91-7-93. Inventory of money and property owned by decedent at time of death
  • § 91-7-95. Supplementary inventory or appraisement
  • § 91-7-97. Adoption of collector’s inventory or new inventory
  • § 91-7-99. All to join in returning inventory
  • § 91-7-101. Debt from executor or administrator inventoried
  • § 91-7-103. Summary proceeding for discovery of assets
  • § 91-7-105. Failure to return inventory
  • § 91-7-107. Perfect inventory may be compelled
  • § 91-7-109. Inventory and appraisement by qualified disinterested persons
  • § 91-7-111. Repealed
  • § 91-7-113. Repealed
  • § 91-7-115. Repealed
  • § 91-7-117. Executor or administrator to set apart exempt property
  • § 91-7-119 through 91-7-133. Repealed
  • § 91-7-135. Court or chancellor to set apart one year’s support for family
  • § 91-7-137. Repealed
  • § 91-7-139. Repealed
  • § 91-7-141. Court or chancellor may apportion year’s allowance
  • § 91-7-143. Minor distributee or legatee maintained
  • § 91-7-145. Notice to creditors of estate
  • § 91-7-147. Newspaper notices dispensed with in small estates
  • § 91-7-149. Probate of claims
  • § 91-7-151. Claims to be registered in ninety days or barred; amendment of affidavits
  • § 91-7-153. Registration of claim stops limitation
  • § 91-7-155. Executor to pay probated, registered debts
  • § 91-7-157. Executor to pay taxes
  • § 91-7-159. Agreement with commissioner of internal revenue to exercise discretion in distributing assets of estate or trust
  • § 91-7-161. Creditors whose claims are not due must accept payment
  • § 91-7-163. Claim of executor or administrator to be treated same as other claims
  • § 91-7-165. Claims may be contested
  • § 91-7-167. Creditor having lien failing to present claim
  • § 91-7-169. Growing crop
  • § 91-7-171. Farm may be cultivated or rented
  • § 91-7-173. Executor or administrator may continue business for limited time
  • § 91-7-175. Sale of perishable property
  • § 91-7-177. Private sale of personal property
  • § 91-7-179. Sale for appraised value without order
  • § 91-7-181. Certain property may be sold without being present
  • § 91-7-183. Public sale of personal property
  • § 91-7-185. Report of sale and proceedings
  • § 91-7-187. Sale of land in preference to personalty
  • § 91-7-189. Sale to pay the purchase-money of land
  • § 91-7-191. Sale of land upon insufficiency of personalty
  • § 91-7-193. Waste of personal estate no bar
  • § 91-7-195. Creditors may apply for sale of property
  • § 91-7-197. Interested parties to be cited upon petition to sell property
  • § 91-7-199. Hearing and decree
  • § 91-7-201. Mistake in description of land may be corrected
  • § 91-7-203. Bond to pay debts may be given and decree for sale not made
  • § 91-7-205. Bond required in decree for sale of lands; waiver of bond
  • § 91-7-207. Failure to give bond
  • § 91-7-209. Purchase-money a charge on property
  • § 91-7-211. Estoppel from receipt of purchase-money
  • § 91-7-213. Borrowing money to pay claims
  • § 91-7-215. Procedure for borrowing
  • § 91-7-217. Overplus and contribution
  • § 91-7-219. Procedure in vacation
  • § 91-7-221. Executor or administrator to make title to land
  • § 91-7-223. Executors and administrators may make deeds of conveyance
  • § 91-7-225. Lands may be leased to pay debts
  • § 91-7-227. Executors and administrators to renew obligation and encumbrances of estate
  • § 91-7-229. Claims may be sold or compromised
  • § 91-7-231. Actions which accrue in administration
  • § 91-7-233. What actions survive to executor or administrator
  • § 91-7-235. What actions survive against executor or administrator
  • § 91-7-237. Death of party not to abate suit in certain cases
  • § 91-7-239. Executor or administrator not to be sued for ninety days
  • § 91-7-241. Suit by or against administrator not to abate
  • § 91-7-243. Not bound to plead specially
  • § 91-7-245. Any one interested may defend suit
  • § 91-7-247. Actions which accrue between administrators
  • § 91-7-249. Executor in his own wrong
  • § 91-7-251. Liability of executor or administrator of an executor de son tort
  • § 91-7-253. Fiduciary not to use funds; investment by fiduciary bank in time certificates of deposit
  • § 91-7-255. Fiduciary not to transfer negotiable papers
  • § 91-7-257. Repealed
  • § 91-7-259. Foreign executor or administrator may sue
  • § 91-7-261. Procedures for insolvent estates
  • § 91-7-263. Creditor may institute insolvency proceedings
  • § 91-7-265. Decree of insolvency after all property sold
  • § 91-7-267. Publication and claims presented in insolvent estate
  • § 91-7-269. Filing, examination, and adjudication of claims in insolvent estate
  • § 91-7-271. Distribution of assets in insolvent estate
  • § 91-7-273. Suits not to abate on insolvency
  • § 91-7-275. Suit not allowed after decree of insolvency
  • § 91-7-277. Annual accounts
  • § 91-7-279. Repealed
  • § 91-7-281. Attorney’s fees allowable
  • § 91-7-283. Defaulters to be listed and cited
  • § 91-7-285. Process for derelict fiduciary
  • § 91-7-287. Publication of process for defaulter
  • § 91-7-289. Hearing for derelict fiduciary
  • § 91-7-291. Final accounts
  • § 91-7-293. Names of interested parties to be stated
  • § 91-7-295. Summons or publication for final account
  • § 91-7-297. Hearing and adjudication of final account
  • § 91-7-299. Allowance to executor or administrator
  • § 91-7-301. Personal estate sold for division
  • § 91-7-303. Distribution compelled
  • § 91-7-305. Distribution of assets in kind to surviving spouse
  • § 91-7-307. Delaying settlement
  • § 91-7-309. Accounts may be opened and falsified in two years
  • § 91-7-311. Bonds to be recorded; suits thereon
  • § 91-7-313. Suit for devastavit
  • § 91-7-315. New bond of executors and administrators may be required
  • § 91-7-317. Relief of sureties and new bond
  • § 91-7-319. Executors may receive credit for costs of bond in surety company
  • § 91-7-321. Custodian appointed for distributive share
  • § 91-7-322. Payment of indebtedness or delivery of personal property of decedent to decedent’s successor; affidavit of successor
  • § 91-7-323. Wages due deceased employee
  • § 91-7-325. Suit to recover wages if not paid within sixty days
  • § 91-7-327. Duty of chancery clerk when wages paid to him
  • § 91-7-329. Not to apply to estates administered upon
  • § 91-7-331. “Administrator” defined

Chapter 8 – Mississippi Uniform Trust Code

  • Article 1 – General Provisions and Definitions
  • Article 2 – Judicial Proceedings
  • Article 3 – Representation
  • Article 4 – Creation, validity, modification, and termination of trust
  • Article 5 – Creditor’s Claims; Spendthrift and Discretionary Trusts [Reserved]
  • Article 6 – Revocable Trusts
  • Article 7 – Office of Trustee
  • Article 8 – Duties and Powers of Trustee
  • Article 9 – Uniform Prudent Investor Act
  • Article 10 – Liability of Trustees and Rights of Persons Dealing with Trustee
  • Article 11 – Miscellaneous Provisions
  • Article 12 – Trust Advisors and Trust Protectors

Chapter 9 – Trusts and Trustees

  • Article 1 – Trusts – General Provisions
  • Article 3 – Uniform Trustees’ Powers
  • Article 5 – Resignation and Succession of Trustees
  • Article 7 – Removal of Trustees
  • Article 9 – Administration of Private Foundation Trusts, Charitable Trusts, and Split-Interest Trusts
  • Article 11 – Family Trust Preservation Act of 1998
  • Article 13 – Uniform Prudent Investor Act
  • Article 15 – Mississippi Qualified Disposition in Trust Act



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All content is for informational purposes only. It is also only intended to relate to Mississippi Estate Planning Law.  If other states are mentioned, they are mentioned as an example only. No legal advice is provided in this content. Laws change so you need to check for any updates by current laws in Mississippi.