
Estate Planning, Wills

Cost of Estate Planning

Clearly the cost of estate planning varies among attorneys based on time involved, whether estate taxes are involved and other factors. In a good number of situations, the quality of…

Minor Beneficiares in your Will

If there are minor beneficiares in your will the will should contain trust provisions.  This could also apply if for example your children are adults but one dies before you…

What happens if a will cannot be found?

Missing wills raise all sorts of interesting legal issues which often turn on the specific facts and circumstances, and the law of the state in which the deceased resided. The…

What is the basis for a will contest?

If there are legitimate questions about the validity of a will, a will contest should be brought promptly. In virtually all states, there are specific time limits on the right…

What if someone objects to the will?

If someone files an objection to the Will, or produces another will, what is known as a “will contest” has begun. While will contests are not that rare, and while…

Where should I keep my will?

Once your will is written, store it in a safe place that is accessible to others after your death. Consider keeping it in a fire proof box that you can purchase…

What does a will usually contain?

Typical provisions of a Last Will and Testament include: name of the testator (your name); name of the testator’s spouse and date of marriage, if any; name of all of…

Can a parent disinherit a child?

Generally Yes. To do so, it is advisable to specifically say in the Will that the omission is intentional. Often Wills have language along these lines: “I have previously taken…

Can I disinherit my spouse?

Not completely, unless you and your spouse have waived the right to be included in the other’s estate in a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Each state has laws that shield…

What are self-probating wills?

A so-called “self-probating Will” typically has affidavits of the witnesses who saw the decedent sign the Will. The affidavits are attached to the Will. In those affidavits, the witnesses state:…

How long is a will valid?

A validly prepared and properly executed Will is valid until you intentionally revoke it or prepare and execute a new Will that revokes the previous Will. In addition, a change…

Does a will cover all my property?

No. For example, if you own pension plan assets, or 401(k) plan assets, or life insurance, or annuities, or property held through a “Trust”, such property and benefits would typically…

Why should I have a Will?

A last will and testament will enable you to provide for such things as: Who will receive the property you own at your death; Who will handle the distribution of…

Should I have a Trust or a Will?

A trust may be revocable or irrevocable.  A trust can be created during a person’s lifetime and survive the person’s death. A trust can also be created by a will…

What Does Per Stirpes Mean in a Will?

Per stirpes is a Latin term meaning “by roots,” or by representation. The term is often used in wills and trusts to describe how to carry out a distribution when…

Does a Trust Void A Will?

No. The fact that a trust exists doesn’t automatically void a will. A trust and a will may exist as completely separate legal documents.

What is a residuary estate?

A residuary estate refers to the remaining assets and property of a deceased person after all specific bequests, debts, taxes, and administrative expenses have been settled. It is the portion…

How does a person make a will?

To make out a will in Mississippi, you need to follow certain legal requirements. While it is recommended to consult with an attorney for assistance in creating a will, here…

Do I have to include my children in my will?

In Mississippi, parents generally have the right to distribute their property according to their wishes in a will. This includes the ability to exclude certain children from receiving an inheritance. …

Can I receive my deceased husband’s pension?

Whether you are entitled to any portion of your deceased husband’s pension depends on various factors, including the specific pension plan, the terms of any beneficiary designation, and applicable laws…